Thursday 13 February 2014

Woke Up, Got Out Of Bed, Immediately Regretted That Descision

Heck, it's almost half way though the shortest month of the year and I haven't written anything yet. What's happened then, let's see.

Well, we recently completed principle photography on Rock Band VS Vampires! Hurray! It has been a long and sometimes bumpy road, expounded by the fact that our original set on which we were due to film had been turned into a building site. No, I mean literally, it wasn't just a bit messy, there were men in overalls throwing two by fours around. Not conducive to a productive day's filming. Still, we are a well-oiled machine, despite getting some sawdust in the gears we soldiered on to a different venue, which was exactly the same in every way. Except one third of the size. Adding to the overall ridiculousness of the situation, we had the biggest turnout for extras since the film began. Last I heard we had around 60 people hoping to get in on the action, and we were suddenly stuck in a venue that could barely hold ten.

Still, we soldier on, and I was granted the most important role I've ever had: I got to hold the black and white board thing which goes 'clap' in front of the camera before the scene starts. Yep, best thing I've done so far. Screw all of that 'acting' bollocks. Who needs a 'character' anyway. Why would I want my face on the screen when my hands have a slim possibility of being in the gag reel! Dream come true, I tell you.

By the time you read this, our facebook page will probably have reached about 20,000 likes with all the promotion we're doing, but I'm sure we'd appreciate a couple more. Go on, don't be a douche. I know you liked that Ronan Keating page when you first joined facebook.

I had to excuse myself from the set after seven hours of standing around, eating some pizza, taking some photos, and playing with the clapper board (exhausting day) because I had 'stuff' to do.

In honesty, that 'stuff' was actually the ever-important, life altering, Minecraft! Because let's face it, my virtual life won't live itself.

If you've never heard of minecraft, the link there takes you to their website where you can watch their promo video and buy the game. Also, I recommend watching the review which made me want to buy the game in the first place (after being nagged by multiple friends). Keep in mind this review was published when Minecraft was in phase approximately 0.6 (hence the reference to it being a beta), and the game is constantly being updated. Currently it is on version 1.7.4 and while the mechanics and effort required are more or less the same, there are a whole bunch of new elements to make the game playable by anyone. It may also be a good idea to watch this video which is much more recent and takes a more scientific approach to explaining Minecraft's success, individuality, and it's appeal.

Anyway back to what happens in my actual life, or my virtual life.

One of the newer features is the multi-player aspect of the game. When I started playing it was just me, in a world, alone. Much like the Zero Punctuation review. The closest we got to multi-player was Sam and I setting up our laptops, loading a new game, and seeing who could survive the longest in our respective worlds. Then they introduced servers and local multi-player, which is almost a prerequisite of games these days, but for Minecraft, it was mind-blowing.

So some time passes and after I moved to London Sam and I discussed setting up our own server. It means we can still play together like the good ol' days, and we can invite other people on to it and have a thriving community in our own little world. I was sceptical, as I always am, about how popular our idea would be. Low and behold we now have over 15 players on our server, easily funding the annual hosting fee.

Why am I writing about a video game on my blog about my exploits in the big city? Is that the frustrated screams of a thousand minions I can hear, quoting Monty Python at me ("Get on with it!")? Well simply because it is a link to my past and to those I hold dear. On Minecraft, Charlotte and I can go on long walks along the beach (however, we're more likely to go on mob-slaughter crusades); Sam and I can discuss life and how our respective cities are these days (however, we're more likely to go on horseback-mob-slaughter crusades); I can reconnect with friends I don't otherwise see very often (on crusades); I can even play games with my little brother in Germany (like our personal favourite, Mob Slaughter Crusade III). I suppose it has just been on my mind a lot lately. Not that I would discourage people from buying it, learning it, joining our world, joining us on certain crusades..

Anyway, to the stuff most of you have skipped down to anyway. Life updates!

Job hunting is in full swing. CVs are flying through the post like swallows in the spring; my email notifications ping new opportunities to me every day, and my sent box is rapidly filling with various 'Dear Sir/Madam,' messages.

Exercise is actually still happening. Which is still surprising me. My shoulder is flaring up so I can't do much with my arms, but I've taken to doing about 20 sit-ups and bicycles per day, plus I still use the SlenderTone belt once a week. Can't really see any results, but the fact that I've not completely given up on this routine is enough to make me feel better.

Acting is still happening, as ever. Next weekend sees me perform with LonDram in a handful of short plays, over two full days of performance (matinee and evening), which should be a blast. If nothing else, the theatre we're performing in has a wonderful café above it! After that, Kill Day's film day is March 1st with a full day of action in store, then on the 3rd I've got a photoshoot with a photographer who's creating a portfolio called 'Endurance', focussing on scars. I really couldn't resist that one.

That's all from me for now, minions, don't forget to click every link in this blog post for shits and giggles!