Sunday 2 March 2014

The Past Is Just A Story We Tell Ourselves

What. A. Day.

You know those days you just feel like you need to talk about? Well it is four minutes past midnight as I'm starting to write this and since I woke up at 10:30am a ridiculous amount has happened. I'll walk you through important events in chronological order.

Part 1: The Master Ball

For those who have no interest in my video game habits, skip to part two.

I've recently started playing the Minecraft mod Pixelmon, which creates a normal Minecraft world with the addition of pokemon running around everywhere. Literally everywhere. In the water, in the caves, in my house, luckily the mod removes the normally present hostile mobs so the only real danger you face as a player is starvation (combined with falling short distances.) So I've been learning the basics and, as I should have foreseen, have been wasting far too much time on it already. In fact I'm surprised you're still even reading this, I'm getting bored of writing about it.. long story short, within a few hours I'd beaten some special pokemon and gotten some cool rare items including the coveted Master Ball meaning I can eventually hunt and catch some legendary pokemon and force it into my servitude. Basically this was a positive note of the day. Moving on!

Part Two: The Arcola

The job hunt is ongoing, and one of my applications has been to a little theatre in Dalston. I heard from a friend that it was a nice place and since it has been two weeks since I sent in my application and I hadn't heard anything from them (and the vacancy was still listed on the website) I decided to scout the place out. And I liked it. I went there under the pretence of lunch (beef stew. delicious.) and stayed for two cups of tea and some banana loaf because I had time to kill. Before I left I had a conversation with the girls who were working about racism and stereotyping (as you do) and enquired about the job listings, which I was told probably hadn't actually been looked at yet. Filled with hope, I asked them to put in a good word for me. Hopefully their memory for names is better than mine.

Part Three: The Red Wedding

As most people know I'm reading my way through Game of Thrones (so good) and I'm now on Storm of Swords 2: Blood and Gold. And this is when the dreaded Red Wedding happens.. by some coincidence I had managed to avoid hearing exactly who died in this much-referenced event so when it hit me, it hit me hard. 
Right in the feels. 
I'm still recovering.

Part Four: 1st For Talent

My first agency audition was today. 1st started as a child-actor agency and have recently expanded their client base to include young adults (up to 29) and out of 400 applications I was chosen to be one of 30 auditionees fighting for one of five openings. Although to be fair the last number is flexible as they need to expand their 20s actor catalog. Included was a professional photoshoot (at a discounted £59, a price I'm happy to pay when it would cost upwards of £100 if I'd looked up a photographer myself) and a very chatty make-up girl who may or may not have been flirting with me. I can honestly never tell these days, and having a girlfriend makes me pretty much immune to any advances - imagined or otherwise. Overall I left feeling a little uneasy. I'm still not sure why, though it could have been that I hadn't been able to use a bathroom since lunch, and wouldn't be able to while I was travelling again for the next hour.

Part Five: Her

This is possibly one of the most ridiculously heart-wrenching rom-coms I have ever seen. The acting is brilliant, the writing is natural, the emotions are real. I really don't want to say anything about the plot, but I would recommend going to see it. Don't look up a synopsis. The less you know about it, the better. However, I will say this: I wish I hadn't read The Red Wedding scenes on the same day as seeing this.
Oh the feels.
Also, I want the soundtrack.