Monday 26 January 2015

The Reunion

It has been a few weeks since I saw London, and longer since I had any time to enjoy the great city, so this weekend was a welcome break. Plus a tremendous chance to get as drunk as possible for one night only.

Saturday saw the AIS London reunion, an annual event which I've previously missed due to prior commitments and performances, also living in York didn't help matters. However, having been once I can safely say I will be making every attempt to return in the future. A free two-course meal and an open bar lead to my being pleasently full and more than a little inebriated. The company wasn't too bad either, the youngest attendees had finished school after Richard and I had finished university, and the oldest of the bunch had graduated before I had reached high school. A nice mix and some very interesting conversation about old friends, current affairs, and the future of the school.

One thing I felt overwhelmingly this weekend was a sort of homesickness. Not for London as such, but for weekends with friends, for pub lunches, for spontaneous artsy outings, basically for having irregular working hours and a location which allows freedom for activity during spare time. Not that I'm not enjoying this job, I'm just looking forward to being back on my own schedule.