Saturday 13 September 2014

Toilet Blogging

In today's society, I don't think anyone should be able to put their hand on their heart and say, 'I have never used my phone whilst on the John.' Mainly because I don't understand why it should such be a shameful activity?

Throughout history people have been bored whilst doing their business. In WW1, they sat around and played cards. Newspapers, magazines and books are a staple in many household lavs, to the point where there are books specifically published for bathroom reading. And so, with a lengthy and somewhat overly informative introduction out of the way, I find myself blogging on the bog.

But enough of the scenery, today marks my last day in London before I head off on my travels tomorrow at lunchtime. For those unfamiliar with my current travel plans, they are as follows: York until Sunday, then Ayr for a couple of weeks, then hopping, skipping and jumping around the Isles performing to school groups and possibly more. I've already rabbited on about saying goodbye and how much I'll miss it all and how excited I am, so now the metaphorical TimeCompass© is pointing me forward. To the future!

Echoes of 'the future' are heard around the room as glassware noisily clatters together.

Thank you. Now obviously as far as I can guess a great deal of the next six months will be spent outside of Ol' Smokey, so this particular blog becomes a little obsolete. As such, I shall be creating a new blog! With blackjack and hookers tales from my various towns and trips, sure to entice, astound, amaze and astonish! Now I've just got to pick my colour scheme...

(Click here for the new blog, minions!)

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