Monday 2 December 2013

Facebook Just Isn't Big Enough

I have too many things I want people to see. Frankly, by the time I had finished re-posting, sharing, status updating and liking things today, everything had pushed its way off my wall. How are people supposed to hear of all the cool shit I'm doing if it isn't on my facebook page?!

Oh right, I have a blog.

Ha! Look at all this space! I can fill it with whatever I like! Wonderful! Right, lets begin by back-tracking a week or so. The day was Friday, morning, the twenty-second of November. In a small café just off of Brick Lane in London, three people met and exchanged pleasantries. I was one of those people. Another was Elliot C. Mason, and the third (who arrived last, and late) was Anna Alfieri. We were to perform that evening, having met a mere nine days prior. We had been rehearsing since then, ever changing the script, the actions, the mood, the very heart of the play, until we were ready. Actually, that's a lie. We were never ready, and we never would be if we performed it a hundred times, but damned if we didn't give it everything we had. And our small audience loved it. Special thanks, before I forget, must be given to Alex, who arrived with us at four o'clock and performed a live and haunting soundtrack for us a few hours later. All in all, a success, I made enough money from it to fund my early hours taxi in York (I jumped on a train as soon as the performance was over and I'd had a half-hour search for my bag) and I've been told that we may be performing again in the future. In a theatre, no less! Fear not, loyal readers, details shall be made available as and when I have them.

So, after that I had a weekend in York, including The Day of The Doctor (excellent.) and then sidled on back to London. Had a BBC audition this weekend. Not as exciting as it sounds, see my previous post about the Star Wars auditions and you'll get the drift (this time I didn't need a headshot!) and so on to more actually happening things.

Pantomime rehearsals are in full swing with much laughter, singing, innuendo and abuse unbounded! We perform at the end of January and if anyone fancies coming to see me in my theatrical element, ticket purchasing details can be found here! What do you mean it doesn't look fancy enough? Go make your own panto if you're so high and mighty. We don't need you here. Muswell Hill has a dedicated group of panto enthusiasts. Honestly, some people...

Fine if that isn't high quality enough for you, how about this!

Bet that got your attention, and who's that at 0:48 and 1:07? Well at 0:48 there's a stunning shot of Guy Barnes, and some prat with guns, and at 1:07, that's my cousin Xavier. You do get a good shot of my hair at 2:47 though.

Think that's exciting in its own right? Well then prepare to have your mind blown so far out of your head that your ears will actually be able to see each other. YOU can be a part of it. Just click here and throw us some cash (doesn't have to be much. £5 would do nicely.) and you can see YOUR NAME in the credits of this sure-to-be-blockbuster film. I think that's all I need say for now.

Until next time, loving readers, you have my undying admiration for sticking with me for so long. Peace!

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