Friday 25 July 2014

July's Special: Rainbows!

I feel as it approaches the end of July I should keep up to date with my monthly blog posting. And in all honesty, plenty has happened since my last post.

I had a birthday, which was delightful. I celebrated over the course of about a week, starting with a weekend away with Charlotte at a spa somewhere near a power station in the Midlands.. that's all I remember really, but the stay was excellent. Food included, spa facilities included, and I even treated myself to a massage (t'was my birthday after all). The day before my birthday I had dinner with Richard and James at Camden's Blues Bar (excellent food, I highly recommend the beef ribs). On the day itself I celebrated by hosting a charity pub quiz at work, which was met with great enthusiasm and general good feelings. I also saw Sarah as she joined me for a drink after the quiztivities. I'm sure I did some other things but this was a month ago so forgive my memory.

No sooner had that passed then it became July and as if by magic (or careful planning on my part) my mother and Charlotte arrived in London for a week of tourism and relaxation. Both of the aforementioned happened in abundance, with a sprinkling of stress in the form of a very important envelope I recovered from my previous accommodation. Said envelope contained some important documents with the instructions to fill in, sign, and return by special delivery to 've receive d no more than 5 days after the initial postmark. I was already 3 days late. Frantically I scribbled with one hand whilst searching for a nearby post office with the other. I made it just as the counter staff were discussing closing (they even turned away people who joined the queue after me) and all was well with the world.

One of the highlights of having a parent visit you in your home city is the ability to go out on the town. In our case, a West End show. This time, Dirty Rotten Scoundrels at The Savoy ("The Savoy!" Mother exclaimed, "we're seeing a musical at The Savoy Theatre! How wonderful!"). The show was excellent, a true call back to music hall classics of a bygone era, featuring some excellent acting and singing by an all-star cast. I would highly recommend it if you can get discounted tickets (ours were down from £115 to £40 each. Well, it is The Savoy!)

After that July has sort of just trundled along. Oh, other than the obvious joy of going to York for Sam's surprise party, an excellent affair arranged by very clever Holly saw us hiding in closets and airing cupboards awaiting a very confused Sam, wondering aloud why his living room had been cleaned and decorated. We spent most of the weekend playing Mario Kart on Sam's new WiiU. By the end of it I was actually doing quite well! Except on Rainbow Road..

Everybody hates Rainbow Road...

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