Tuesday 12 November 2013

Faster Than A Speeding Tube

Things have picked up a notch since last week. Impressed? I certainly am. Oh wait, I haven't told you anything yet. Ha! If you're already impressed then this is going to BLOW YOUR MIND. So here goes.

As you're aware by now, new job (passed my initial probation "with flying colours") flexible hours, actual drive to get up in the morning (since I don't have to work until 5 these days) means I've been going to auditions. And relatively speaking I've been to quite a few. Two over the weekend, one today (which I couldn't actually find, so discount that one), another tomorrow morning, one hopefully later in the week, on top of filming for Rock Band VS Vampires (which is still going wonderfully) and panto rehearsals (equally delightful). Haven't been cast in anything yet, but did get a lovely response from PixieMoo Productions saying that they liked me enough to keep me updated and work with me on future projects.

So, I've been in London for almost three months and so far proving that its possible to survive as an actor. Who's going to join me? ;)

Seriously though, the more people I can drag down here, the bigger house we can all get together and the cheaper it will be.

See you all soon!

PS. Next blog post topic: Star Wars auditions. A vlog with special guest appearance from Sam 'Glovebox Cuddlebum' Glover.

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