Wednesday 20 November 2013

Plays, Pantos and Petticoats

Don't get your hopes up. There are no petticoats. I just needed an alliterate triplet.

What there are is lots of stuff going on. First, a short play by Elliot C. Mason. Elliot, a published author, traveller and hater of almost everything (my words, not his) decided to write a play about love. How very cliché, you say? That love, in all of its delightful and pessimistic lights, has already been bled dry of verse? That no original ideas could possibly be voiced on the subject?

Well you're probably right, but come back to me when you've read all of those ideas and cannot possibly contemplate any more, so I can hit you for ruining your own imagination.

For All That Matters (the title of said play) is a story of lust, desire, and social stereotypes. It combines wisdom and poetry subtly but makes it garishly obvious that you should be paying attention to what you're viewing. Would I recommend seeing it? Absolutely. Is that opinion biased? Who cares, it's only on for one night. Unless the response is good enough to have a continued run, in which case you may be able to see it another time, but for certain if you do not come and see it this time we will not be offered any more chances. So if you want to see it later on, come see it on Friday and give yourself the opportunity to see it again. Go on, be a little bit selfish, nobody will hold it against you.

And after that, please dim the lights,

Strike up the drumroll,

File into your seats,

Hold tight.

The Muswell Hill Pantomime is here! coming soon! in January!

What do you mean you're not excited? I can see the child inside you screaming with delight! Come witness the tale of fair Dick Whit, and his trusted cat.. Dave? Michelle? No idea.. Let's just call it Cat. Gasp as Dick and Cat engage in perilous sword fights! Swoon as true love makes Dick all soft! Boo as the villain hatches evil plans! And sigh with relief when it's all over.

Rehearsals are going well, and by Jove I've actually managed to get there on time recently! There is hope after all! So if you're around the north London area (more north than that. A little further. Left a bit. Yep, that's the spot.) come the end of January, then be sure to drop in, give us a wave, and you may even get a laugh or two out of it. Tally, bally ho!


  1. Swap - I'll come and see you in Panto, if you come and see me :P We're doing the Wizard of Oz Panto Adaptation :)

  2. ^ this person being Rebekah btw :P
