Sunday 3 November 2013

The New Job, Thor of Warcraft, and Stanley

In order of the title, I shall elaborate on the topics presented. Firstly, new job!

Yes, I have thrown off the shackles and cast my door-knocking days to the wind (who's increasing severity, combined with the rain and the cold, is one of the main reasons I left..) and started a job in a call centre. Sorry, not very dramatic, but it is indoors and I'm no longer asking for account details from anyone, just doing surveys. So if you've ever given your number out to anyone, or you've been to the bank recently, you may well be getting a call from me soon enough. So that's that news over with.

Now, the film event of the week, Thor: The Dark World. In this epic Asgard/Azeroth crossover Thor begins an internship at Blizzard, and is quickly assigned to a project to quell the surge in new Dark Elf users.. or something.. The reality is I won't say anything about Thor 2: Mists of Pandaria, because for me to give anything away would spoil your experience entirely. So I'm going to give you all the little taglines I came up with to entice instead:

Alan Taylor (Heard of him? No? But he's directed 6 episodes of Game of Thrones!) proves his feature directing worth. The film is in equal parts edge-of-seat tense and raucously funny. And when I say equal parts, I mean you could almost cut the film in half and split it into those two categories.

Everything you wanted to see more of in Thor is delivered in the new film, from Asgard to character development, it's all there.

3D is worth it. As are the Vue VIP seats.

Yes, that is Zachery Levi. No, he wasn't playing that character in the first film, but I think he takes over the role pretty well. And the Chuck-esque combat skills are evident.

And finally, Stanley. If you clicked that link without reading on, how very bold of you. If you haven't yet clicked it, then now is the time to do so! But only after you finish the blog, otherwise you'll be too distracted to finish. Follow my instructions carefully: Open the link; watch the three introductory videos (in order, they will auto-play so just unmute them); assuming you are intrigued (or even if you're not) click 'download demo'. The demo is free and gives you a brief insight into the game's subject matter and style. If, like me, you completed those instructions and can't wait to demand everyone gives you £1 for Christmas so you can afford it, then good. Add it to your Steam wishlist. And if you don't have Steam then please come out of that cave and into the real world. Enjoy!

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